
No hidden fees, tracked hours, no monthly commitments.

Full-time staff

Starting at:

A dedicated employee working 40 hours a week.

No monthly contracts

Billed bi-weekly

Part-time staff

Starting at:

Part-time employee working 20 hours a week.

Billed bi-weekly

No Monthly contracts

Always interview candidates before hiring.

We will never match you with someone random! Interview top candidates that we provide based on your job description.

Your payroll shrinks by $2,100 with each remote hire!

Business owners who partner with Stellar Staff typically achieve substantial cost savings of around 70%. This remarkable reduction is primarily attributed to our simple pricing model, which starts at just $8.49 per hour.

Tradinioal payroll is a pain, all the extra costs associated with it are a problem for every business. You can pay us only for hours worked, directly with a credit card.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any hidden fees or additional charges?

No, we believe in transparent pricing. The costs mentioned on our Pricing page are all-inclusive. There are no hidden fees or unexpected charges.

Can I customize my Virtual Assistant package?

Absolutely! We understand that every business is unique. You can tailor your Virtual Assistant package to suit your specific requirements. Check our Pricing page for details on customization options.

Is there a trial period available to test our services?

We do not offer a trial period, but we do waive the start up fee as part of our current promotion.

Do you offer discounts for long-term commitments?

Yes, we provide discounts for customers who choose longer subscription periods or require bulk services. Explore our Pricing page for information on available discounts.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?

Yes, you can easily upgrade or downgrade your Virtual Assistant plan as your needs change. Visit our Pricing page to understand the process and any associated considerations.

Are there any specific requirements for getting started?

Getting started is simple! You just need an internet connection and the ability to communicate your tasks. Visit our Pricing page for information on the onboarding process.
